Time is just a concept until you have kids. You accept it as it is, not putting much thought into it. But once you become a parent, time becomes your thief. Yes, your thief. Because suddenly your newborn is no longer a newborn; because at the blink of an eye your crawling little munchkin is running away from your kisses; because soon the first day of kinder garden will come and you will look behind at someone ready to fly towards his future and dreams out of your loving arms and nurture.

You are somehow ready for your baby’s firsts; first giggling, first steps, first words.. But as time flies, letting go becomes more of a reality. You are happy for every reached milestone but at the same time you realize that your baby days are slowly left behind…

The thing is that you cannot get ready for it. You sometime don’t even realize you’ve been stolen from until you take a look at photos and videos of your little one. 

So take a glimpse at your breastfeeding baby because weaning off comes before you know it. Let him sleep on your chest as much as he needs. Babywear him close to your heart as long as you can. Smell his baby hair. Every time he screams or he’s throwing a tantrum just remember that time will steal those from you, too, and you’ll miss that innocent drama queen who cries over a broken chips.

Letting go comes faster than you’d think. Time is a thief. A big, savage, unstoppable thief. 

Some say that the days are long, but the years are short. Indeed they are.