A unique flower among a field full of flowers. All kind of flowers. All of them special. Coloured, blooming tall towards the sun. But this one had something. At every sight you would get immersed in a world where everything is so calm. A world of joy. Of purity and delicacy.
Everyone stopped by to take a glimpse at its uniqueness. Somehow everyone felt a breeze of love surrounding them. And the look of the morning drops that embraced them created one of the most beautiful pastels that someone could imagine.
One day, a wonderful granny walked by and got stunned by the beauty of this flower. It a was a deep red Poppy. As beautiful and delicate as you can imagine! She took the love and all its pure emotions and hand embroidered them, stitch by stitch, to create a wonderful piece of art that breathes the love for her grandchildren at every sight: a baby carrier.
This is how the hand embroidered ISARA Transylvanian Poppy was born. Made with love. A unique simplicity. So delicate, yet empowering.A legacy for all the babies around the world.
Thank you, dear granny, the work of art of your magic hands will bring happiness to so many beautiful parents and their children!
The Traditional Collection by ISARA is not just about carriers… it is an expression of love!